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2010 Ford Edge - Left Rear

2010 Ford Edge – Left Rear (Photo credit: Jim Trottier)

My daughter and I are on a short road trip together.  We’re visiting potential colleges.  Today was Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana.  Tomorrow is Taylor University in Upton, Indiana.  Alyssa apparently has been advised that close proximity to corn fields increases learning potential.  Her strategy is real clear to me, her oh so wise father, and I am not hiding the fact that I am on to her.  She wants to show me colleges smaller than the one she really wants to go to before we visit the one she already has her heart set on, which is Taylor University.  We dropped by there this evening to pick up the itinerary for tomorrow’s tour.  Honestly, I can already see why she wants to go there.  And it feels like a good choice.  After all, there really is nothing but corn and one diner in the town.  The college is all that the little town has.

Also, we’re roughing it on this trip.  Oh, we may be sitting next to each other at a Starbucks right now, commenting on our Facebook pages while sitting two feet from each other, but we are roughing it.  Oh, we may have rented a cool Ford Edge all decked out with leather and all the goodies, but we’re roughing it.

My daughter has no qualms about sleeping in a tent.  We’re tent camping.  No fancy schmancy hotel for us.

We’re having a blast.  Also, we are monster tent assemblers.  The Taj Mahal tent we have went up without a hitch both last night and today, even while setting it up in the dark.  I can’t hang wallpaper with my wife, but I can set up a tent with my daughter.

And there you have it.

Oh, yes.  Yes you do.